Liberal Arts: Mathematics and Natural Science (Mathematics)

Program Description
The Mathematics registered track will provide students the opportunity to explore mathematics careers and prepare them for successful transfer to a four-year school. Transfer and career paths include statistics, artificial intelligence, actuarial science, teaching, cryptology, mathematical modeling, finance, economics, and more.
For more information, visit the SUNY Transfer Path website.
This degree has been approved by SUNY and NYS Education Department for online distance learning delivery. This does not mean that SUNY Orange offers every course in the program online; however, many are offered in this format. Please check the current credit course schedule for online DL virtual course listings offered each semester.
Career and Transfer Focus
Graduates have flexibility to pursue a variety of transfer programs and career paths, such as statistics, artificial intelligence, actuarial science, teaching, cryptology, mathematical modeling, finance, economics and more. Salaries for these disciplines are highly competitive with other STEM fields.
Three Reasons to Consider the Mathematics Track in Liberal Arts: Mathematics and Natural Science
- There is a significant cost savings during your first two years of study while learning problem solving, logic and critical thinking skills.
- We offer small class sizes that provide the ability to interact with professors both inside and outside of the classroom as well as a math tutorial center to give you the best opportunity for success.
- The courses in our program are transferable to most math-related 4-year programs..
Program Outcomes
Students will:
- demonstrate essential and foundational knowledge in the natural sciences and liberal arts.
- demonstrate understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of mathematical analysis
- perform mathematically with proper notation and vocabulary commensurate with chosen field of study
- demonstrate ability to apply systematic reasoning and critical thinking skills
- demonstrate effective communication both oral and written
- transfer to, and succeed at, an upper-level institution
Keep This in Mind
To complete in two years, you have to place into MAT 205 (Calculus 1).
While most math courses are offered on the Middletown campus during the day, some are offered during the evening, online, hybrid, and at alternative locations.
MAT 214 (Differential Equations and Series) is typically offered in the Spring and Summer semesters. MAT 136 (Introduction to Discrete Mathematics) is typically not offered in the Summer.
In addition to the college tutorial center, the SUNY Orange Math department has a mathematics tutorial lab on the Middletown and Newburgh Campuses (walk-in tutorial center).
Four year programs may have specified science classes in their programs as well as computer science courses. As you narrow your choices of transfer destinations, pay close attention to science requirements and sequencing.
Admissions Criteria
Admission to this program requires that students be high school graduates or have high school equivalency diplomas (HSEs). If students are not high school graduates, they may be eligible for admission to the College’s 24 Credit Hour Program. If students are home schooled, they may be eligible for admissions.
Before initiating study for this A.S. degree a student must have achieved a mathematical proficiency which includes intermediate level algebra. At SUNY Orange, this means that a student must have tested beyond MAT 102 (Intermediate Algebra) to begin progress toward this degree. If this is not the case the student must speak with an advisor in order to choose the proper preparatory courses.
Transfer Options
SUNY Orange has special relationships with upper-level colleges and universities for transfer. Students regularly transfer with junior status to colleges and universities in the State University of New York System as well as to private and state colleges and universities across the country.
Your Career Coach
Career opportunities
- Statistics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Actuarial Science
- Teaching
- Cryptology
- Mathematical Modeling
- Finance
- Economics
Program Availability Status
This degree is only available during the daytime at the Middletown campus but many portions can be taken in the evening, during the summer, and at the Newburgh campus.