Educational Partnerships
To address the educational needs of Orange County’s residents, SUNY Orange collaborates with a diverse group of educational partners. Through its Office of Educational Partnerships, the College extends its educational focus and mission beyond the students on our campus to assist with the varied educational needs of Orange County residents. Our educational outreach efforts include: the Community College in the High School Program, articulation agreements and faculty collaborations.
Community College in the High School Program (CCHSP)
The Community College in the High School Program (CCHSP) gives qualified high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take college courses for credit in their own high schools during the regular school day. CCHSP reduces the cost of a college education and shortens the time needed to acquire a degree. For more information, contact your high school guidance counselor or CCHSP at (845) 341-4760.
Articulation Agreements with Other Colleges and Universities
To assure its students enjoy a smooth transition to and from the College, and to establish a foundation for academic achievement by its students, SUNY Orange is continually seeking to refine its current articulation agreements while also pursuing new agreements with colleges and universities across the country.
Graduates of SUNY Orange are covered by the State University of New York (SUNY) System Transfer and Articulation Policy that states: “Graduates of two-year colleges within the State University of New York, when accepted with junior status within parallel programs at SUNY baccalaureate campuses, are to be granted full transfer credit for general education courses already taken and are not to be required to repeat successfully completed courses with similar curricular content.”
Comprehensive transfer and articulation agreements have also been established with other reputable colleges and universities.
In some instances the A.A. and A.S. degree have been determined to fulfill all general education requirements, as well as A.A.S. degrees that will transfer in full.
For an updated list of transfer agreements, visit the Transfer Advising website.
Articulation Agreements with Secondary Schools
To expand community access to higher education opportunities, SUNY Orange has forged articulation agreements with several programs in secondary schools in Orange County. Students from these institutions who successfully complete these articulated courses may receive college credit that is applicable toward degrees and certificates offered by the College.
Monroe-Woodbury Central School District
- Early Childhood
Orange-Ulster BOCES
- Computer Networking
- Computer Programming and Video Game Development
- Digital Design and Advertising
- Digital Filmmaking and Post Production
- Education and Management and Early Childhood Development and Care
- Engineering Design and Architecture
- Exercise Science and Personal Trainer Assistant
- Law Enforcement
- Licensed Practical Nursing
Warwick Valley Central School District
- Criminal Justice
- Video Production