Liberal Arts: Mathematics and Science

Program Description
The Associate in Science degree program in Liberal Arts and Sciences with a Mathematics and Natural Science emphasis is designed specifically for students to transfer, with junior status, to the appropriate upper-level college or university of their choice, where they can complete the B.S./B.A. degree in their chosen field of study. As such, the program provides core courses and general education requirements that would be included in the first two years of study at four-year institutions. This degree gives mathematics/science students the flexibility to match a program to their individual goals, backgrounds and talents. The various curricula provide the opportunity to pursue a variety of academic and career interests in mathematics and in the natural/physical sciences.
The course distribution in mathematics and science is designed to provide a solid foundation in the basics of natural and physical sciences/mathematics: future advanced coursework will build on this foundation. The general education elective credits round out the curriculum in this degree program. Students should consult the appropriate department chairperson and faculty for specific advice about pursuing a particular discipline within this area. Such consultation will facilitate the correct level of course choice and rigor required to match the student's transfer plans as they work toward a bachelor’s degree.
This degree has been approved by SUNY and NYS Education Department for online distance learning delivery. This does not mean that SUNY Orange offers every course in the program online; however, many are offered in this format. Please check the current credit course schedule for online DL virtual course listings offered each semester.
A Day in the Life ...
This degree can be used for transfer to a variety of programs in mathematics and science at four-year institutions. It lays a strong foundation for students prior to them choosing a specialization, and can be achieved by taking a wide range of courses. With this degree, students can pursue careers including: pure or applied mathematics, statistics, chemistry, pre-medical/dental/veterinary, environmental science, genetics, forensics, and bio-mechanics/engineering.
Three Reasons to Consider Liberal Arts: Mathematics and Natural Science
- SUNY Orange has strong faculty, with expertise in diverse areas of Math and Science, who make themselves available to work individually with students.
- This degree can open many doors to students who are interested in Math or Science, but may not be sure of the specific area of concentration. Getting this degree is a great way to explore a variety of STEM fields.
- Historically, graduates from this program have been accepted to institutions at which they have gone on to receive Bachelor’s and graduate degrees.
Program Outcomes
Students will:
- demonstrate essential and foundational knowledge in the natural sciences and liberal arts
- demonstrate understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of mathematical analysis
- perform mathematically with proper notation and vocabulary commensurate with chosen field of study
- demonstrate ability to apply systematic reasoning and critical thinking skills
- demonstrate effective communication both oral and written
Keep This in Mind
Two discipline-specific tracks have been developed in the Liberal Arts: Mathematics and Science Associate in Science degree program: Mathematics and Chemistry.
SUNY has defined recommended coursework to be taken in hte first two years of study to ensure seamless transfer to baccalaureate degree programs within the system. That recommended coursework is referred to as a transfer path. Each track aligns with a different SUNY transfer path. The four-semester sequences ensure that students will fulfill seven SUNY general education categories and necessary coursework in the first two years of study in specific disciplines, thereby ensuring junior-level status when transferring to a four-year school within the SUNY system.
To complete in two years without taking summer courses, full-time students must place into MAT 121.
Specific calculators are required for MAT 120 (Introduction to Statistics), MAT 122 (College Trigonometry) and some science courses.
A small number of courses may be offered only once per year; keep an eye on the course schedules each semester.
Some courses are available in an online format; for science courses, students may need to purchase a lab kit.
Admission Criteria
Admission to this program requires that students be high school graduates or have high school equivalency diplomas (HSEs). If students are not high school graduates, they may be eligible for admission to the College’s 24 Credit Hour Program. If students are home schooled, they may be eligible for admission.
Before initiating study for this A.S. degree a student must have achieved a mathematical proficiency which includes intermediate level algebra. At SUNY Orange, this means that a student must have tested beyond Intermediate Algebra (MAT 102) to begin progress toward this degree. If this is not the case the student must speak with an advisor in order to choose the proper preparatory courses.
For students with more defined career goals, see the four-semester course sequences for Chemsitry and Math.
Transfer Options
SUNY Orange has special relationships with upper-level colleges and universities for transfer. Students regularly transfer with junior status to colleges and universities in the State University of New York System as well as to private and state colleges and universities across the country.
Your Career Coach
Career opportunities exist in the following areas:
- professional degrees or working in private sector firms in the various fields
- R&D or laboratory opportunities in private and public sector
- positions in education on primary or secondary level
- chemistry
- geology
- mathematics
- physics/astronomy
- excellent background for other fields requiring mathematics/science proficiency, including:
- biology
- pre-professional training for medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, pharmacy, etc.
- environmental sciences
- Teaching or research
Program Availability Status
This degree is available during the daytime on both the Newburgh and Middletown campuses, and in the evening in Middletown. Some courses are available online also.