Facebook Ad Pixel Exercise Studies Course Sequence, Academic Programs, SUNY Orange Catalog

Exercise Studies

Health Sciences and Wellness Icon

Exercise Studies Gateway Courses:

Course sequences for Exercise Studies have been thoughtfully developed to include all necessary gateway courses and key electives, and to meet all accrediting standards.



*Select from G4A (SUNY US History and Gov) or G5A (SUNY World History)

**PED 201 has a pre/co-requisite of BIO 111

***PED 202 has a pre/corequisite of BIO 112

PEM/PED Concentrations

Excerise Science Concentration

PEM 167 OR Weight Training OR 1
PEM 165 Learn to Swim  
PED 101 Introduction to Exercise Science 2
PEM 160 Aerobic Fitness 1
PED 114 Stress Management  1
PED 203 Physical Fitness & EXRX+ AND 3
PED 204 Lab Fitness Assessment+  1
PED 145 Fitness Instructor 2


+PED 203 & PED 204 must be taken together

For Alignment with SUNY Transfer Path: Physical Education Teacher Education

PEM 172 Coaching Skills 1
PEM 167  OR Weight Training OR  1
PEM 165 Learn to Swim
PED 100 OR Introduction to Phys. Ed.  2
PEM 169 OR  Group Leadership OR 1
PEM 160 Aerobic Fitness
PEM 161 OR PEM 161 Racquet Sports OR 1
PEM 163 Studio Fitness
PED 203 Physical Fitness & EXRX+ AND 3
PED 204 Lab Fitness Assessment+  1
PEM _____ Skills   1
PEM _____ Skills  1

For Alignment with SUNY Transfer Path: Health Education Teacher Education

PEM 172 Coaching Skills
PEM 167  OR Weight Training OR 
PEM 165 Learn to Swim
PED 100  Introduction to Phys. Ed. 
PED 114 Stress Management 
PEM 160 Aerobic Fitness
PED 224 Introduction to Exercise Principles 
PED 145 Fitness Instructor