Continuing and Professional Education (C.A.P.E.)
The Department of Continuing and Professional Education provides a diverse range of courses, programs and workshops designed to address the professional training and personal development needs of all residents in Orange County. Following is a breakdown of the offerings available through the College’s Continuing and Professional Education Department.
Business Solutions/Professional Development
The SUNY Orange Center for Business Solutions is a high quality, client-driven provider of skills training and professional development that can help you upgrade and enhance the skills of your existing workforce.
SUNY Orange has demonstrated its strong commitment to strengthening the region’s economy by providing versatile, customized business training solutions utilizing high end trainers from the private sector.
Training programs include: Change Management, Creating a Preventive Maintenance Plan, Go Green Employee Training for Sustainability and Profitability, LEAN Management, Management Mentoring, Managing a Multigenerational Workforce/Succeeding in a Multigenerational Workforce, Managing the Team, Time and Task (MT3 - Supervisory Skills Training Program), Real Estate Continuing Education Courses, Service Excellence, Train the Trainer, and others.
Workforce Development Education
SUNY Orange conducts training programs that provide individuals with the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace. Courses are offered for people beginning new careers or those who may be entering the workforce for the first time. In addition, courses are available that will enable people to upgrade their skills for their current job or to continue their education. Please call (845) 341-9532 for more information.
Driving Programs/Alcohol Substance Abuse Counselor Training
The College cooperates with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles’ to offer the NYS Impaired Driver Program and the 6-hour National Traffic Safety Institute point and insurance reduction/defensive driving course.
SUNY Orange is approved by the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports to offer the Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (CASAC) counselor education training program for students who wish to pursue careers as alcohol/substance abuse counselors.
English as a Second Language
The College offers an extensive ESL program with classes at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. In addition, more specialized classes allow students to practice pronunciation, improve their workplace English or increase their vocabulary.
Classes are offered at both the Middletown campus and the Newburgh campus.
Students who want to register for an ESL class need to take an evaluation. To make an appointment for an evaluation call (845) 341-9593.
High School Equivalency (HSE) Program (formerly GED® Program)
SUNY Orange offers many classes throughout Orange County for individuals who are looking forward to improving their job opportunities or moving on to college by earning their HSE. Emphasis will be on improving writing and math skills using creative thinking and problem-solving strategies. If you are ages 17 or 18, call (845) 341-9532 or (845) 341-9543 to make an appointment for the HSE program coordinator to meet with you and your parent or guardian. If you are 19 or older, you may register in person at Student Services Central in Middletown, Shepard Student Center, third floor. In Newburgh please call the CAPE HSE Coordinator at 845-341-9532 to make an appointment prior to registering.
Over Sixty Program
SUNY Orange permits individuals sixty years of age or older to audit credit courses on a space available basis without payment of tuition according to NY State Law Article 126, Section 6303. Full classroom participation is encouraged; no grades are given nor is credit earned. (Non-credit courses, health professions courses, distance learning courses, and some studio/lab classes are not included in the Over Sixty Program.)
Registration for Over Sixty students is held on the first day of the Fall and Spring terms. All students are required to complete an audit registration form and, if they are NY State residents, a Certificate of Residence.
For questions regarding the Over Sixty Program or to receive a credit course bulletin please call the Registrar’s Office at 845-341-4155.
Youth Empowerment Program (YEP)
Thanks in part to a grant from the Orange County Workforce Investment Board, the College engages out of school and/or unemployed youth to reconnect with educational and workforce systems. The YEP is held on the SUNY Orange Middletown campus and offers youth ages 16-24 an opportunity to:
- Prepare for the High School Equivalency test TASC
- Improve literacy and numeracy skills (only for low income youth with a high school diploma or equivalency who are basic skills deficient or English language learners)
- Receive skills training in in-demand industries like customer service and retail, healthcare, and security guard
- Participate in paid work experience
This unique program provides case management, employment counseling, and small group instruction that can become a stepping stone toward achieving higher education and establishing career goals. For more information, call (845) 341-4874.

- (845) 341-4890