Human Services

Program Description
The Associate in Science degree program in Human Services prepares graduates to transfer and complete a bachelor’s degree in human services, social work, psychology or sociology. Because of the broad liberal arts component, concentration in psychology and sociology with field experiences in at least two human services agencies, graduates will also be prepared for employment as a direct care worker.
The primary goal of the curriculum is the development of critical thinking and clinical problem solving skills as they relate to populations served by human service agencies. The program offers introductory coursework in human services, psychology and sociology, writing skills directly related to the human services field, and field experiences in at least two human service agencies. Most courses are offered each year, often in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. Field Studies in human services are offered each year: Field Studies 1 in the Fall semester, and Field Studies 2 in the Spring. The course of study may be pursued on a part-time basis, daytime or evening.
This degree has been approved by SUNY NYS Education Department for online distance learning delivery. This does not mean that SUNY Orange offers every course in the program online; however, many are offered in this format. Please check the current credit course schedule for online DL virtual course listings offered each semester.
Career and Transfer Focus
The Associate in Science degree program in Human Services prepares graduates to transfer and complete a bachelor's degree in human services, psychology, sociology, or social work. Because of the broad liberal arts component, concentration in psychology and sociology with field experiences in at least two human services settings, the program also prepares the graduate for employment as a direct care worker.
Three Reasons to Consider Human Services
- Employment in the field of human services is projected to grow. For more information, visit the New York State Bureau of Labor Statistics website.
- You will have the knowledge and skills that human services agencies require, and via two field experiences, you will learn how to work effectively within a complex bureaucracy.
- You will work one-on-one with an advisor and develop a portfolio of your work, knowledge and skills.
Program Outcomes
Students will:
- develop a comprehensive portfolio that demonstrates an application of theory, goals, and objectives associated with effective helping strategies and techniques in Human Services
- demonstrate appropriate critical thinking and problem solving skills necessary to continue their education toward a four-year degree or effectively gain entry level employment in a human service agency
- demonstrate an ability to effectively interact with recipients, families, and/or professionals in a manner that demonstrates an application of their academic preparation, and also demonstrates heightened cultural awareness
Keep This in Mind
Internships, for credit, are required/embedded in the curriculum in the Human Services degree program. You will complete two 48-hour internships (one in a Fall semester and one in a Spring semester).
In order to be eligible for Field Placement, the following requirements must be met:
- Academic: Earn a C or better in HMS 101 and PSY 111, and any SOC course; maintain an overall CGPA of 2.0 or higher.
- Departmental: Attendance at a Field Placement Orientation and completion of Field Placement forms.
If required by the site, a student may need to have a background check, physical, and/or drug test completed before beginning the internship. Some sites may require the student to pay for these items.
In addition, many sites are requiring proof of vaccination.
ENG 160/161 (Technical Writing) is required to be taken along with HMS 201/202.
Students may begin taking the required program courses upon completion of all required developmental courses.
Admission Criteria
Admission to this program requires that students be high school graduates or have high school equivalency diplomas (HSEs). If students are home schooled, they may be eligible for admission.
Transfer Options
Many of our graduates transfer to upper-level colleges and universities to pursue advanced degrees in the human services field. Successful transfer depends on the courses taken and the student's grade point average. SUNY Orange has special relationships with a number of colleges and universities.
Your Career Coach
Career opportunities exist in the following areas:
- In-patient and out-patient mental health and rehabilitation facilities such as AHRC, Access Supports for Living., RSS and MHA
- State facilities such as MPC, Mid-Hudson and Garnet Health
- Social services agencies
Program Availability Status
Daytime and evening courses are offered at both the Middletown and Newburgh campuses. Selected courses are offered in the summer and winter sessions as well. Many courses available online.