Early Childhood Development and Care Certificate

Program Description
The Early Childhood Development and Care certificate program is designed to develop professional career skills in preparation for entry level positions in a child care center. Students will complete nearly 40 hours of observation in local area child care centers in addition to college classroom time. This field experience provides an opportunity to link theory with hands-on practice. Reinforced concepts include child development theory, developmentally appropriate practice, and knowledge of the general operations of a child care center. Eight of the 11 courses in the Early Childhood Development and Care Certificate program directly relate to early childhood and are taught by education department faculty. All courses apply to the Early Childhood Development and Care A.A.S. Degree program. A grade of C or better is required in all EDU courses for progression in the program and graduation.
A Day in the Life ...
Working in a preschool or childcare center, you will assist in shaping the lives of young children. Strong early childhood professionals work closely with children and their families to provide play-based learning that supports the development of the whole child. You will have the opportunity to help nurture young children as they imagine, experiment and discover new concepts daily.
Three Reasons to Consider Early Childhood Development and Care
- Experienced faculty members, with classroom teaching experience provide extensive support in achieving learning goals.
- You will take many education courses, which allow you to focus on learning on-the-job skills.
- You will have access to developmentally appropriate early childhood instructional materials, which are integrated into college classes in our Hands-on Learning Laboratory.
Program Outcomes
Students will:
- demonstrate a firm foundation of knowledge in child development
- understand essential concepts of developmentally appropriate practice in teaching young children
- understand and value the importance of children's diverse families and communities, and how to use that knowledge to foster respectful, reciprocal relationships with children and their families
- understand and uphold ethical standards and other professional guidelines in the field of early childhood, and engage in practice that is both collaborative and reflective in college classrooms and through field assignments
Keep This in Mind
Students must take EDU 101, EDU 105, and PSY 111 during their first semester in the program.
All credits in this program transfer directly into the Early Childhood Development and Care A.A.S. program, should you decide to pursue an Associate’s Degree.
Students in this program often successfully enter the workforce immediately after graduation.
Admission Criteria
Admission to this program requires that students be high school graduates or have high school equivalency diplomas (HSEs). If students are home schooled, they may be eligible for admission.
Transfer Options
The Early Childhood Development and Care certificate is designed to prepare graduates for immediate entry into the workplace. However, every credit from the certificate will apply to the SUNY Orange Early Childhood Development and Care A.A.S. degree.
Your Career Coach
Career opportunities include entry-level or aide positions in:
- childcare centers
- preschools
- nursery schools
Program Availability Status
A portion of this certificate program can be taken online. All education courses are only offered on the Middletown campus, with the exception of EDU 107, which is also offered in Newburgh. ENG 101, ENG 102, and PSY 111 courses are offered on both the Middletown and Newburgh campuses.