International Studies

Program Description
The Associate in Arts degree program in International Studies provides students with a range of studies that emphasize the interconnections among global political, economic, social, and cultural events and processes. As globalization literally makes the world a smaller place, International Studies helps prepare students to take advantage of those changes, both in terms of their personal growth and career opportunities. The degree is designed to prepare students for transfer and continued academic success within a liberal arts setting, especially one dedicated to the study of international and global events. This program also features a solid grounding in liberal arts education.
The curriculum is designed to include a broad range of courses with international themes in the humanities and social sciences. In addition to core courses in the liberal arts common to many programs, International Studies requires students to take classes in foreign languages, international relations, world history and international literature. Through these courses, students will develop critical learning skills, a foundation of knowledge about the international system and the ability to clearly write, analyze and communicate about concepts in the discipline.
This degree has been approved by SUNY and NYS Education Department for online distance learning delivery. This does not mean that SUNY Orange offers every course in the program online; however, many are offered in this format. Please check the current credit course schedule for online DL virtual course listings offered each semester.
Career and Transfer Focus
A four-year degree in International Studies opens the doors to a number of careers, including teaching, government service, the legal professions and numerous NGOs and IGOs. This A.A. provides students the opportunity to complete the initial coursework in the discipline and prepares them for the pursuit of further education and future employment. Above all, like other humanities degree programs, our International Studies degree provides the student practice in the communication and critical thinking skills sought by 21st century employers.
Three Reasons to Consider This Program
- The program offers students seamless transfer to four-year SUNY colleges.
- Students enjoy the opportunity to study with top professionals in the field.
- Students will develop a deeper perspective on our international environment, as well as their inherent problems and challenges.
Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- demonstrate foundational knowledge of and an appreciation for the cultural, social, and natural worlds
- recognize the diversity of human experience, values, and perspectives
- demonstrate an understanding of the forms of artistic expression and their creative processes
- apply critical thinking and systematic reasoning skills
- demonstrate information management, quantitative skills, and an understanding of the role of empirical measurement
- use effective oral and written communication skills
- transfer to, and succeed at, an upper-level institution
- understand the processes that contribute to globalization and increased interdependence among people, governments and states
Keep This in Mind
Students who successfully complete the program will earn an A.A. degree and will be prepared to transfer to another institution for completion of a B.A.
Students must complete the entire sequence of courses in International Studies and related disciplines.
Students must complete the foreign language requirement (102 level or above).
Admission Criteria
Admission to this program requires that students be high school graduates or have high school equivalency diplomas (HSEs). If students are home schooled, they may be eligible for admission.
Transfer Options
SUNY Orange has special relationships with upper-level colleges and universities for transfer. These transfer institutions include:
- four-year SUNY campuses
- a variety of public and private four-year colleges with whom articulation agreements are under development
Your Career Coach
Career opportunities exist in the following fields:
- language interpreter
- high school teacher
- international business
- international law
- government or diplomatic work
- export-import work
Program Availability Status
Students can complete the International Studies degree by taking daytime classes at either the Middletown or Newburgh campus. Courses are available on both campuses and many are routinely offered in distance learning formats.