Engineering Science

Program Description
The Associate in Science degree program in Engineering Science is designed specifically to enable students to transfer, with junior status, to the upper-level engineering college or university of their choice, where they can complete the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering. As such, the program provides the same core courses that would be encountered in the first two years of study at most four-year institutions offering engineering degrees in the following disciplines: aeronautical engineering, architectural engineering, biological engineering, chemical engineering (ChE), civil engineering (CE), computer engineering, electrical engineering (EE), environmental engineering, geological engineering, materials engineering, mechanical engineering (ME), and nuclear engineering.
Core courses in calculus, chemistry, engineering physics and engineering science constitute the nucleus of this program. Selected courses in the liberal arts support and enhance this central core.
To begin the two year program, students must be at the mathematical level of Calculus 1 (MAT 205) or must have completed either College Trigonometry* (MAT 122) or Pre-Calculus Mathematics* (MAT 131).
Students who do not meet the above requirements should not be discouraged. Many students, who have either missed some foundational courses or who have family/job commitments, opt to take the extended program, which prepares them for Calculus 1 (MAT 205). Although this path will require more than four semesters, it enables students to reach their educational goal to work as professional engineers in the above-mentioned fields. Students taking the extended option should meet with their advisor to arrange a planned course of study.
The Engineering Science program at SUNY Orange strives to form a student's ability to think critically in real time, to develop a professional work ethic built on cooperation and group problem solving, and to provide the rigorous conceptual and ethical framework required in a field where professional competence is expected.
*These prerequisite courses may be taken in the summer.
Career and Transfer Focus
The Engineering Science program at SUNY Orange is a university-parallel program of study that includes chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics together with liberal arts courses. Our two-year degree is designed to prepare students for transfer as third-year students to upper division institutions for completion of a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Some popular fields of study are: aero/astronautical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, and mechanical engineering.
Three Reasons to Consider Engineering Science
- This is a rigorous program in the STEM field where jobs are in high demand and offer high starting salaries and rewarding work.
- This affordable two-year degree parallels most universities, allowing for smooth transfer as a third-year student.
- The program also offers many non-engineering options for students who want to develop a strong foundational knowledge in math and science with the intent of exploring other scientific careers.
Program Outcomes
Students will:
- demonstrate literacy in the mathematical, computational and scientific languages of Engineering Science
- demonstrate competency in written, oral and graphic communication skills, including applications to engineering science
- demonstrate literacy in a programming language and in computer assisted techniques for engineering problem solving and design
- plan, organize and implement laboratory experiments and prepare a formal detailed laboratory report of findings
Keep This in Mind
To start the program you must be ready for Calculus l. It is sometimes possible to take prerequisite math courses during the summer sessions to prepare for Calculus I in the Fall semester if necessary.
A student who is not ready for Calculus should consider our three-year plan of study.
A small number of courses may be offered only once per year; keep an eye on the posted course schedules and work with your advisor
Join the Engineering Club to work on the electric car, to participate in field trips and to meet with colleagues with similar goals and interests.
Admission Criteria
Admission to this program requires that students be high school graduates or have high school equivalency diplomas (HSEs). If students are home schooled, they may be eligible for admission.
Students must have tested into or completed MAT 205 (Calculus 1) to begin progress toward this degree. If recent high school graduates have concerns about their mathematics preparation they should consider taking MAT 131 (Pre-Calculus Mathematics) during the summer before their entrance into the program.
Transfer Options
SUNY Orange has special relationships with upper-level colleges and universities for transfer. These transfer institutions include:
- Clarkson University
- Manhattan College
- New Mexico Tech
- Ohio State University
- Penn State University
- Rensselaer Polytechnic University (RPI)
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- SUNY Binghamton
- SUNY Buffalo
- SUNY New Paltz.
- SUNY Stony Brook
- Syracuse University
- University of Colorado
- University of Dayton
- University of Illinois
Your Career Coach
Career opportunities exist in the following fields:
- private sector engineering firms
- research and development opportunities in private and public sector
- engineering positions in city, state or federal agencies
- excellent background for other fields, i.e. law or medicine
Program Availability Status
This degree is available during the daytime on the Middletown campus. Some courses may be completed in the evening and in the summer.